About Me
update: I have successfully defended my dissertation, and will be graduating this August!
I am a soon-to-graduate Computer Science Ph.D. at the University of Maryland and a member of CLIP. My advisors are Philip Resnik and Doug Oard. I completed my M.S. in Computer Science at the University of Maryland, and my B.S. in Electrical Engineering at National Taiwan University.
I work on natural language processing (NLP) and its application to the broader healthcare problem: summarization of electronic health records, automatic medical coding using clinical notes, and suicide assessment using social media postings.
As a highlight, our suicide assessment work (talk video), which focuses on clinician-centered model design and evaluation, was recently accepted to ACL 2020. The dataset we collected was also used for the shared task at the NAACL CLPsych 2019 workshop.
Currently, my focus is on using NLP to assist clinical experts to surface and prioritize information for clinical assessment. I find great passion in designing machine learning models and user-centered evaluation that take user’s information needs into account.